Stell dir vor, du gehst kurz hinten aus dem Haus raus, rein ins Gewächshaus, erntest ein bisschen Salat, ein paar Tomaten und drei Barsche, gehst wieder rein und bereitest das Essen vor. Der Reis kocht schon. Das hört sich vielleicht futuristisch an, ist aber schon gegenwärtig, nennt sich Aquaponics und ist eine kombinierte Fisch- und …
Kategorie: slider
Visiting De Groene Boerderij
Close to Amsterdam, situated in the idyllic landscape of Landsmeer, where water channels frame the houses, lies the little farm De Groene Boearderij. A big vegetable garden, a small bamboo forest, animals and the paddock, a meadow, and the nature reserve `t Twiske nearby provide the best opportunity to connect with nature. In this beautiful …
Experiment: Growing Potatoes in Bags
This article is about the outcome of an experiment I ran in the last two years growing potatoes in bags. It´s also about the difficulties and advantages of this technique. I am posting this in May as it is the time of year when you want to put your shooting potatoes in the ground. Or …
Starting Small
Sometimes it´s not so clear how the universe exactly conspires to help us achieve our goals. It might not even seem to be on our side. With building the dome, it definitely was such case. This article is the story about, how some enthusiasm, naivety and a lot of coincidence finally led to the building …
Red Rice Fennel Salad
This is a simple, mostly two ingredients recipe. I love it because of it´s fresh taste and it´s simplicity. The sauce I made is from olive oil and lemon, a bit sea salt and pepper. Enjoy this salad as a main dish or side dish. For example it is a great side to fish. If you …
To Mulch or not to Mulch
Learn about the art of mulching and what my experience with it is. Find out what you can use for mulching, when it can be beneficial and also what inconveniences it can bring.
Making a Pond
A documentary of how we made the pond. What to think about before starting, which materials you need to gather and in which steps to proceed. Including some great sketches and tipps from permaculture designers.